A comprehensive guide on Microsoft 365 Ransomware attack

Ashish Singh
Ashish Singh

Updated On - October 3, 2024

Summary: Ransomware attacks are becoming one of the most common issues in this growing digital world. Lack of awareness about the Microsoft 365 ransomware protection increases the number of cases. Hence, we will provide a complete guide to help you understand the topic and find the essential solutions if you get hacked. We will also explore some advanced tools like Recoveryfix for Microsoft 365 Backup to help you quickly in these unusual scenarios.

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As time passes, new technologies come into existence to increase the overall efficiency of individuals or organizations. The wide range of technologies with real-time collaboration tools like Microsoft 365 boosts the overall growth of the industry, but it also comes with certain uncertainties in the form of cyber threats. One of the significant cyber threats that users usually face is a ransomware attack through which your files get encrypted illegally by some intruders & in return; they demand ransom for their accessibility. Its frequency has increased over the years due to various factors like changes in work patterns after the pandemic, the rise of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), & many more.

Ransomware attacks can be seen across multiple platforms, but they have been the most frequently noticed in Microsoft or Office 365 over the last few years due to their wide useability or adaptability among organizations or individuals. Its several integrated services like OneDrive cloud storage, Outlook email, & SharePoint, and Teams like collaboration tools make it a one-go solution for the users to be more productive. As you know, several things combined may leave some loopholes, like Office 365, which might have certain entry points that can be accessed illegally for profit purposes.

Hence, our main motto is to address the issue completely so that you can take possible Microsoft 365 ransomware protection measures in the future & apply suitable solutions if you get attacked. Let’s start the discussion with the reasons behind experiencing this issue.

Significant reasons to target Microsoft 365 for Ransomware attack

Usually, this attack is caused by improper management of the software & some technical glitches but knowing the significant one will help you to identify the root cause of this attack, which will save you in the future. Let’s explore them one by one:

  • Covers a wide range of users, from small enterprises to big ones.
  • In-cognitive behavior of users towards the application & their credentials.
  • Stores crucial information of the organization or individuals that make the foremost target for the attackers.
  • The integrity of several tools in one platform makes the software complex, which makes it suitable for cybercriminals.

Stages in which Ransomware attacks on Microsoft 365

To protect your digital environment, you need to know how ransomware attacks over Microsoft 365. Here is the sequence through which ransomware attacks the software:

  1. Gains access to the environment of the software & searches the weakest part of the defense to attack.
  2. Establishes its environment in the system stealthily to avoid detection from respective response teams.
  3. Use the initial entry point to move other sections of the software or network.
  4. Create a fake sign-in page to access the users’ credentials.
  5. Steals crucial data of the organizations from the system.
  6. The final impact will be seen after some time by the user.

What are the different sources for Ransomware attacks?

A basic understanding of the sources or different ways ransomware attacks happen will help you find the corresponding solutions of Microsoft 365 ransomware protection. Let’s explore some significant mediums:

  1. Credentials break-in: It becomes one of the most common attacks in the present scenarios in which intruders gain access to a large number of usernames & their corresponding passwords illegally.
  2. Social engineering cyberattack: It generally exploits human behavior & errors to access the sensitive information & consequently moves to attack further.
  3. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) attacks: These are popular targets for ransomware attacks as they provide cyber attackers with direct access to the user’s desktop environment to deploy the ransomware easily. They are most frequent in corporate and enterprise environments where they find weak connections for unauthorized access.
  4. Lacking security against insider threats: Sometimes few unusual elements in organizations have bad intentions towards their organization lead to deploy ransomware to harm them.
  5. Phishing emails: It is also a major cyberattack in which intruders try to steal personal information or money by tricking them into clicking on malicious links or revealing personal information. These emails tempt to be real sources like company, friends & many others. Fake updates and malicious attachments are included in the examples of phishing attacks.

Basic practices for Microsoft 365 Ransomware protection in the future

Analyzing how the common attack vectors can help you identify potential weaknesses in the Microsoft 365 platform. So, to strengthen the system or reduce the chances of this attack, you can follow the following practices, especially in the Microsoft 365 environment.

  1. Regular backups of the data
    Taking backups is one of the foremost things that all users need to do for data security. It saves your data from any threats or unusual activity and allows you to recover when you want to access it again.
  2. Filtering the emails
    One of the easiest ways to attack a user’s system is through emails, which trick users by providing malicious links with the name of a trusted source. Hence, filtering emails will act as a basic precaution that users need to take.
  3. Give limited access to users
    Multiuser accessibility also creates some loopholes in the system environment. So, it is always advised that users be limited in their accessibility.
  4. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) restrictions
    It generally allows users to access or control the system remotely, which can also become a hotspot for ransomware attacks. Apply restrictions if not needed; otherwise, use a strong, unique, or highly secure password for it.
  5. Software restriction policies
    Applying a software restrictions policy also helps users protect themselves from programs executed on locations such as hard drives that are being attacked by ransomware.
  6. Monitoring the system regularly
    Regular monitoring of the system can prevent you from suspicious activity or from ransomware attacks. It can alleviate the risk of damage.
  7. Strong authentication
    Using strong authentication or an extra layer of security, such as two or more verification methods, makes your software or system extra secure from cybercriminals, even if they have accessibility credentials.
  8. Network segmentation
    When the network of users is large enough, the chances of attackers gaining entry points increase. So, creating network segments helps reduce loopholes and consequently mitigates the risk of ransomware attacks.
  9. Modify the security measures
    Modifying or regularly updating security measures also prevents users from attacking, even if they have strong algorithms to breach the network.
  10. Awareness training about the attack

    Training about ransomware attacks not only helps in taking precautions before the attack but also in choosing suitable solutions to neutralize its impact and save data.

What actions should be taken if you’re attacked?

Although the provided tips can minimize the chances of an attack, if you are attacked, then there are some basic actions that can save you from a huge loss. Look at it very carefully & do execute it as you get to know about the ransomware attack:

  • One of the foremost things you should do is leave the affected system and try to take a photo of the screen as evidence in the future.
  • For security purposes, cut off incoming & outgoing connections. Then, notify the authorities & cybersecurity experts to take suitable actions against them as per the type of ransomware.
  • Review backup files & try to save them in secure locations.
  • If any external storage devices are attached to your system, remove them so that an intruder cannot impact them.
  • Do reset all your passwords & security policies so that they will not harm the system in the future.

In what ways can these attacks be neutralized?

Your experience will worsen when you cannot neutralize it & your data will also be on the verge of losing. In that situation, certain methods or tools will benefit your data & system, like antivirus programs, decryption tools, & many more. Among these, one of the most preferable & suggested methods by experts or professionals is using the Microsoft 365 Cloud Backup, as using other methods has certain chances of data loss. Among the several automated tools, Recoveryfix Backup for Microsoft 365 is one of the best options in this category due to its versatile & top-notch facilities.

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It takes backup of your entire Exchange Online components, including Primary mailboxes, Archive mailboxes, & Public folders, into multiple formats, including PST, without disturbing the integrity of the data. Simultaneously able to back up multiple mailboxes along with the Office 365 groups. Its high-tech algorithms & filters, like the Incremental backup feature, allow you to take the backup in a structured form & redundantly free. It even allows you to back up from both On-premises & Hosted Exchange data easily.


Microsoft 365 ransomware protection is one of the crucial concerns that is increasing exponentially among users. In this regard, we have covered a brief description of the ransomware attack with a detailed analysis of its causes & immediate solutions that you need to apply to alleviate the impact of this attack. But to be on the safer side from any mishappenings, taking regular backups with the recommended advanced tool will be your lifeline.

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